Free Online Course Control of Psychological Stress


What is psychological pressure? How can we deal with it?

About the stress management course:

ETATWIR offers a free online course on stress management.
Stress is the body’s natural response to changes.
He can respond to these changes physically, mentally or emotionally.
Stress or stress is a normal part of life.
Stress can be received from the surrounding environment, the body and thoughts. Even positive life changes like a promotion, a mortgage, or the birth of a child can lead to stress.
Stress becomes negative when a person faces constant challenges without comfort or relaxation between stressors. During this course, you will learn more about stress, how stress affects our health, symptoms of stress, negative ways of dealing with stress, and tips on how to reduce stress.

Contents of the stress management course:

What is stress?
How stress affects our health?
Symptoms of stress.
Ways to deal with stress.
Tips on how to reduce stress.

Quick information about the stress management course:

Course language: English
Share Certificate: Yes
Course fee: Free

Course link:

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