Japanese Government Program (MEXT Scholarship)f or Bachelor’s and Postgraduate Studies



The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study in graduate courses at Japanese universities as Research Students (either regular students or non-regular students) under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program as follows.

Applicants should apply for the field of study they majored in at university or its related field. Moreover, the fields of study must be subjects which applicants will be able to study and research in graduate courses at Japanese universities. The fields of study may be restricted to particular fields by the Japanese Embassy or Consulate (hereinafter referred to “Japanese diplomatic mission”) in the applicant’s country.

Traditional entertainment arts such as Kabuki and classical Japanese dances, or subjects that require practical training in specific technologies or techniques at factories or companies are not included in the fields of study under this scholarship program.

A student who studies medicine, dentistry or welfare science will not be allowed to engage in clinical training such as medical care and operative surgery until he/she obtains a relevant license from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare under applicable Japanese laws.

MEXT accepts applications from international students for study in Japan who satisfy the following qualifications and conditions. Its aim is to foster human resources who will become bridges of friendship between the grantee’s country and Japan through study in Japan and who will contribute to the development of both countries and the wider world.

(1) Nationality: Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. An applicant who has Japanese nationality at the time of application is not eligible. However, persons with dual nationality who hold Japanese nationality and whose place of residence at the time of application is outside of Japan are eligible to apply as long as they choose the nationality of the other country and renounce their Japanese nationality by the date of their arrival in Japan (the acquisition of student status). The First Screening must be conducted at the Japanese diplomatic mission in the country of which the applicant chooses the nationality.
(2) Age: Applicants, in principle, must have been born on or after April 2, 1990. Exceptions are limited to cases in which MEXT deems that the applicant could not apply within the eligible age limit due to the situation or circumstances of the applicant’s country (military service obligation, loss of educational opportunities due to disturbances of war, etc.) Personal circumstances (financial situation, family circumstances, state of health, circumstances related to applicant’s university or place of employment, etc.) will not be considered for exceptions.
(3) Academic Background: Applicants must satisfy any one of the following conditions for admission to either a master’s or doctoral course at a Japanese graduate school in which they wish to first enroll. (Applicants who will certainly satisfy any of the following conditions by the time of enrollment are eligible.)

(a) Master’s course / Doctoral course (first phase)
① Applicants who have completed 16 years of school education in countries other than Japan.
② Applicants who have completed a program with the standard study period of three years or more at universities or equivalent educational institutions in countries other than Japan and received a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
③ Other than the above ① and ② conditions, applicants who are eligible for enrollment in a master’s course /doctoral course (first phase) at a Japanese graduate school.
(b) Doctoral course (second phase)
① Applicants who have been awarded with an overseas degree equivalent to a master’s degree or professional degree.
② Applicants who have graduated from universities and have been involved in research study at universities or research centers (including overseas universities and research centers) for two years or more, and recognized as having academic competency equivalent to persons with a master’s degree by the graduate school.

③ Other than the above ① and ② conditions, applicants who are eligible for enrollment in a doctoral course (second phase) at a Japanese graduate school.
(c) Doctoral course (faculties of medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences, and certain parts in pharmaceutical fields)
① Applicants who have completed 18 years of school education in countries other than Japan.
② Applicants who have completed a program with the standard study period of five years or more at universities or equivalent educational institutions in countries other than Japan and received a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
③ Applicants who have completed 16 years of school education in countries other than Japan and have been involved in research study at universities or research centers (including overseas universities and research centers) for two years or more, and recognized as having academic competency equivalent to university graduates in medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences or certain parts in pharmaceutical fields by the graduate school.
④ Other than the above ①, ② and ③ conditions, applicants who are eligible for enrollment in a doctoral course (faculties of medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences and certain parts in pharmaceutical fields) at a Japanese graduate school.
※ For (c) above, you must confirm necessary academic background details on the websites of the universities in which you wish to enroll since the academic background needed for admission may vary according to university. [For example, (c)-① stipulates that applicants must graduate from an undergraduate program in medicine, dentistry, veterinary or pharmaceutical sciences.]

(4) Japanese Language: Applicants must be willing to learn Japanese. Applicants must be interested in Japan and be willing to deepen their understanding of Japan after arriving in Japan. Applicants must also have the ability to do research and adapt to living in Japan.
(5) Health: Applicants must submit a health certificate in the prescribed format signed by a physician attesting that the applicant has no physical or mental conditions hindering the applicant’s study in Japan.
(6) Arrival in Japan: Applicants must choose and fill in the Application Form either of the following arrival periods ① or ②. In principle, a change in the arrival period is not permitted after the submission of the Application Form.
① April term: In principle, applicants must be able to arrive in Japan between April 1, 2025, and April 7, 2025. Departure from the home residence should be on or after April 1, 2025.
② October term: In principle, applicants must be able to arrive in Japan during the period specified by the accepting university within two weeks before and after the starting date of the university’s relevant academic term (September or October) for that year.
Excluding cases in which MEXT deems as unavoidable circumstances, the applicant must withdraw from
this scholarship program if the applicant cannot arrive in Japan by the end of the specified period above
which is decided by MEXT or the accepting university. If the applicant arrives in Japan not in the
specified period for personal reasons, travel expenses to Japan will not be paid.
(7) Visa Requirement: Applicants shall, in principle, newly obtain a “Student” visa at the overseas establishment of Japan located in the applicant’s country of nationality, and enter Japan with the status of residence as “Student.”
If the applicant resides in Japan exceptionally before acceptance, the applicant must change or renew his/her status of residence to as “Student” by the end of the month prior to the installment of the first scholarship payment.
Even if the applicant originally held a status of residence such as “Permanent Resident” or “Long-term Resident”, he/she should be aware that the original status might not be necessarily regranted after the expiration of the status as a MEXT Scholarship student.
(8) Non-eligibility: Those who meet any one of the following conditions are ineligible. If identified ineligible after being selected as a scholarship student, he/she must withdraw from the scholarship.
① Those who are military personnel or military civilian employees at the time of their arrival in Japan or during the period of the payment of the scholarship;
② Those who cannot arrive in Japan by the last date of the period specified by MEXT or the accepting university;
③ Those who are previous grantees of Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarship programs (including those who withdraw from the scholarship program after acquisition of student status). This does not apply to: those who have educational or work experience exceeding more than three years from the following month of the period of the previous scholarship to the estimated first month of the payment of this scholarship; and the past grantees of Japanese Studies Students program who have graduated or are going to graduate from universities in their home countries, Japan-Korea Joint Government Scholarship Program for the Students in Science and Engineering Departments and Young Leaders’ Program. The Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students is not included in the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Programs;

④ Those who are currently also applying to another program under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship system. This includes the programs for which scholarship payments will begin in FY2024, although their final selection results have not been decided yet, and the programs for which scholarship payments will begin in FY2025;
⑤ Those who are already enrolled in a Japanese university or other institution with a residence status of “Student,” or who are to be enrolled, or plan to be enrolled, in a Japanese university or other institution as a privately-financed international student from the time of application to the MEXT scholarship program in the applicant’s country until the commencement of the period for payment of the MEXT scholarship. However, this stipulation does not apply to privately-financed international students who, are enrolled, or are planning to be enrolled, in a Japanese university or other institution but verifiably complete their studies before the start of the scholarship payment period and newly acquire the “Student” residence status, or change his/her status to, or renew his/her status as, “Student”.
⑥ Those who are planning to receive other scholarships or fellowships from Japanese government, a Japanese government-related organization and others after the start of the scholarship payment period;
⑦ Those who are expected to graduate at the time of application and cannot satisfy the condition of academic
background by the deadline given;
⑧ Holders of dual nationality at the time of application who cannot verify that they will give up Japanese
nationality by the time of the arrival in Japan (the acquisition of student status);
⑨ Those who change their residence status to that of other than “Student” after their arrival in Japan;
⑩ Those who plan to, from the time of application for the MEXT scholarship program, engage in long-term research (such as fieldwork or internship) outside Japan or plan to take a long-term leave of absence from the university;
⑪ Those who have no intention to obtain a degree in Japan;
⑫ Those who are found to have attempted or actually committed any kinds of cheating prohibited by the
examiner during the written examination of the First Screening.
(9) Others: MEXT Scholarship will be granted those who are willing to contribute to mutual understanding between Japan and their home country by participating in activities at schools and communities during their study in Japan while contributing to the internationalization of Japan. They shall also make efforts to promote relations between the home country and Japan by maintaining close relations with the university attended after graduation, cooperating with the conducting of surveys and questionnaires, and cooperating with relevant projects and events conducted by the Japanese diplomatic mission after they return to their home countries.

(1) Allowance: The amounts listed below shall be paid depending on the course enrolled in. A supplemental regional allowance of 2,000 yen or 3,000 yen per month will be added to the monthly scholarship amount for the grantees studying or conducting research in specially designated regions. Due to the situation of the Japanese Government’s budget, the amount of payment may be subject to change each fiscal year. If a grantee is absent from the university for an extended period, the scholarship shall be suspended for that period.
① Students receiving the preparatory education and non-regular students: 143,000 yen per month
② Regular students enrolled in master’s or professional degree courses: 144,000 yen per month
③ Regular students enrolled in doctoral courses: 145,000 yen per month.
(2) Education fees: Fees for the entrance examination, matriculation, and tuition at universities will be paid by MEXT. The entrance examination fee, however, will be borne by the grantees if they cannot proceed to the master’s or doctoral course or cannot be admitted by the university.
(3) Traveling Expenses
① Transportation to Japan: MEXT will stipulates the travel schedule and route, and provides an airline ticket to grantees who will arrive in Japan during the specified period stated in “3. (6) Arrival in Japan”. The airline ticket will be an economy-class ticket for the flight from the international airport closest to the grantee’s residence (in principle, the country of nationality) to an international airport in Japan used on the normal route to the accepting university. The grantee shall bear at his/her own expense all costs related to domestic travel from the grantee’s residence to the nearest international airport, airport taxes, airport usage fees, special taxes necessary for travel, travel expenses within Japan (including airline transit costs), travel insurance expenses, carry-on luggage or unaccompanied baggage expenses, etc. The grantee shall also bear at his/her own expense for travel and lodging costs incurred in a third country in case(a) the grantee must travel to a third country on the way to Japan for visa purposes because there are no Japanese diplomatic missions in his/her country or because Japanese diplomatic missions in his/her country are temporally closed, or (b) there are no direct flights from the grantee’s country of nationality to Japan. In such cases, MEXT will provide an economy-class airline ticket from the grantee’s country of nationality to the said third country, and from the third country to an international airport in Japan used on the normal route to the accepting university. In principle, the address given in the space for “Current address” on the application form shall be recognized as the “residence.” However, if the grantee plans to move within his/her country of nationality after application, the address given in the space for “Your address before departure for Japan” on the application form shall be recognized as the “residence”) and the airline ticket will be arranged for a flight from the international airport nearest to that address. Except for cases when the grantee must travel to a third country to obtain a visa, MEXT will not provide an airline ticket for cases of travel to Japan from a country other than the grantee’s country of residence due to the grantee’s personal circumstances. If a grantee will arrive in Japan before or after the specified period stated in “3. (6) Arrival in Japan”, travel expenses will not be paid.
② Transportation from Japan: Based on the application by the grantee, MEXT will provide an airline ticket to grantees who shall graduate the accepting university and return to the home country by the end of the final month of the period of scholarship (See “4. PERIOD OF SCHOLARSHIP”) designated by MEXT. MEXT shall provide an economy-class airline ticket from the international airport in Japan used for the normal route to and from the accepting university to the international airport (in principle, in the country of nationality) nearest to the returning grantee’s residence. The grantee shall bear at his/her own expense all costs related to travel from the grantee’s residence in Japan to the nearest international airport, airport taxes, airport usage fees, special taxes necessary for travel, travel expenses within the country of nationality (including airline transit costs), travel insurance expenses, carry-on luggage or unaccompanied baggage expenses, etc. If a grantee returns to the home country before the end of period of scholarship due to personal circumstances, or reasons stated in “7. SUSPENSION OF PAYMENT OF SCHOLARSHIP”, MEXT will not pay for the returning travel expenses.
If a grantee continues to stay in Japan after the scholarship period has ended (ex. proceeding to further education or being employed in Japan, continuing to register at the university), travel expenses for a temporary return will also not be paid.

Universities in Japan

University of Tokyo 

The University of Tokyo, or “Todai”, continues to be Japan’s highest entrant in the overall world rankings, and has a very strong global reputation across a wide range of disciplines. Featured in 40 out of the 48 subjects in the QS World University Rankings by Subject, the University of Tokyo performs very well, ranked among the global top 100 for every one of these subjects. Most impressively, it appears in the world’s top 10 for modern languages, physics and astronomy, chemistry, mechanical engineering, and chemical engineering.

Kyoto University

Based in Japan’s old capital city of Kyoto, Kyoto University is the second highest-ranked university in the country. It also has a strong presence in the subject rankings, featuring among the world’s best in 35 of the 48 subjects covered in the latest edition. Of these, it ranks within the world’s top 50 for several subjects, including biological sciences, chemical engineering, civil engineering, materials sciences, modern languages and physics & astronomy.

Osaka University 

Located in the third most populous city in Japan, Osaka University, also known as “Handai”, is joint 72nd in the latest QS World University Rankings. It holds a strong reputation across a number of research fields, featuring among the world’s best for 27 subjects in the subject rankings, including the global top 50 for chemistry, chemical engineering, physics and astronomy, dentistry and materials sciences.

Why study in Japan?

World Class Science and Technology

You can learn about cutting-edge science, technology and medicine, etc.

Despite its scarce resources, Japan was able to grow economically and become a leading country in manufacturing precisely because of the advanced knowledge and technology fostered by its excellent education system. Using its state-of-the-art science, technology and medicine, Japan has introduced many products to the world, including electric vehicles, digital cameras, optical fibers and the artificial heart. Instant noodles, which have changed the dietary life of the world, and Karaoke, are also innovations of Japanese origin. The practice of transforming innovative ideas into creative products goes far back into Japanese history. Japanese schools focus not only on academic achievements but also on the development of human quality. This aspect of Japanese schools is highly appreciated by international students who think the studying experience in Japan helps them after they start working.

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