Head of programs – Sudan
Country: Sudan, job based in Khartoum, with regular field trips to Darfur
Duration: 9 months renewable, starting end of October 2020 (minimum one month is necessary to complete the visa procedure)
Conditions: Salaried contract, gross monthly salary from €2,300 to €2,800 according to experience, monthly per diem €600, medical coverage of 100% + repatriation insurance + provident fund, accommodation, international and local transportation as part of the mission, break every 3 months. More information on www.trianglegh.org, under “Job announcement”.
Family duty station: To be discussed according to experience and context evolution in Sudan.
Presentation of TGH
“Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity”
Founded in 1994, TGH is a French international solidarity organization based in Lyon. The association designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programs in the following sectors: water, hygiene and sanitation, civil engineering, food security and rural development, socio-educational and psychosocial. TGH is currently operating in 10 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Presentation of the mission
TGH is present in Sudan since September 2003, and opened its first project for the victims of the Darfur crisis in one of the IDPs camp in West Darfur (Riyad camp of Geneina) in June 2004. TGH has since extended its activities in West Darfur and Central Darfur, implementing its projects through 5 operational bases (Geneina in West Darfur; Bindizi, Um Dukhun Golo and Zalingei in Central Darfur). All projects are coordinated from Khartoum main office. TGH currently works in the fields of water and sanitation, hygiene promotion, NFIs and shelters, food security and livelihood, and education.
TGH’s strategy in Darfur consists in shifting gradually and where appropriate to more development-oriented programming, while maintaining the capacity to provide humanitarian assistance when needed.
Ongoing operations include:
- Emergency assistance to people affected by population displacement and natural disasters (provision of Non Food Items (NFI) and emergency shelter, safe water supply facilities, emergency sanitation and hygiene promotion for vector control).
- Construction and rehabilitation of water supply systems and sanitation services, hygiene promotion and capacity building of community based committees and local authorities in WASH services sustainable management
- The strengthening of food security and livelihood, through distribution of agricultural inputs, promotion of farming best practices, sustainable natural resources management, development of income generating activities and targeted food distribution.
- Supporting the improvement of the education environment through local educational actors capacity-building, distribution of small equipment and educational material, rehabilitation of education facilities.
TGH is currently funded in Sudan by a set of different donors: SHF, ECHO, , USAID, IOM (RRF), , AFD, CDCSand CIAA.
Job description
Under the supervision of the Country Director, the Head of Programs supports him/her on the overall implementation of the FSL, Education and NFI/Shelter programs in Darfur and South Kordofan, definition of program requirements, writing grant applications, planning, defining strategies and reporting to donors. WASH team and implementation of activities are under the supervision of the Head of WASH Programs.
He/she supervises the overall work of the program team ensuring program development and quality and timely implementation of all the organization projects in Sudan. He/she is the direct line manager of the Flying Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator based in Zalinge (national staff) and 2 Project Managers (expatriate staff – to be recruited) based in Khartoum.
He/she provides direct supervision and support to the operational and overall functioning of the mission within 5 bases in Central and West Darfur, and one base in South Kordofan (related to the opening project in consortium with PUI) in coordination with TGH program and support staff.
In direct collaboration with the Country Director, the sector program managers and the support services departments, the main responsibilities are:
Program management
- Lead programming for the TGH mission in Sudan, ensuring program quality through strategy development and participatory program design in close collaboration with the Country Director, the Program team and the national partners.
- Develop and adjust strategies for emergency, recovery and rehabilitation programming based on thorough humanitarian context analysis, TGH and partner capacities, resource availability and coordination with the sector and government line ministries.
- Design, Review and Conduct field assessments, according to population needs, TGH priorities and funding opportunities in order to propose new interventions.
- Work with the Country Director and the Program team and the national partners to prepare concept papers and grant proposals as well as mobilizing funds.
- Support the Program Team in the implementation of operations and monitoring of progress on project indicators and outcomes, ensuring compliance with donor’s requirements and sector standards.
- Manage program budgets and ensure spending is consistent with resources available, donor commitments and co-funding requirements in coordination with the Administration/Finance Coordinator.
- Contribute to the improvement of comprehensive program monitoring systems ensuring that monitoring data are feed into management decisions and used in program management.
- Conduct field visits to West and Central Darfur and South Kordofan for program monitoring and capacity building of field teams and partners.
- Prepare or assist program staff to prepare regular program reports for donors and partners as required. Ensure timely information exchange of emergency operations. Respond to internal and external requests for reports and information about programs.
- Exchange information and technical support with headquarters FSL and Education Technical Department Referents and the sector partners (clusters) in Sudan ensuring compliance with sector standards and best practices.
- Ensure regular program coordination with donors, including provision of regular project updates, preparation of modification requests and preparation of donors monitoring visits.
- Ensure program coordination and complementarity with Donors, government line ministries, INGOs and NNGOs.
- Contribute to the identification and development of partnerships providing an added value for Sudan programs and support program team in effective partnership management.
- Contribute to relevant Protection, Gender and Environmental issues mainstreaming in Sudan programs.
- Support implementation and monitoring of PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) across all programs.
- Ensure program teams facilitate awareness campaigns on PSEA to affected populations and local communities, the standards of conduct expected of TGH staff and partners, and the various mechanisms for reporting abuses or concerns related to PSEA, including contact information.
Evaluate program quality, including documenting best practices and lessons learned from Sudan programs and ensuring these are considered in program design.Staff management
- Supervise directly the Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator and Education/NFI & Shelter Project Managers and other team members as required.
- Adapt tasks and responsibilities allocation within the Program team to accommodate program requirements or specific situations.
- Identify capacity building needs for staff and partners involved in the response. Take the lead on coordinating any formal or informal training for the Program Team and partners.
- Provide direct support to the Program team through training sessions and appraisals.
- Upon request, support the Country Director in the representation of the TGH Sudan. When necessary, acts as acting Country Director in his/her absence.
- Represent TGH in UN cluster meetings, government coordination meetings and other programming forums in Sudan, along with the sector program managers when relevant and/or the Country Director.
- With the Country Director, maintain fluid relationships with the donor agencies and supports the follow-up of funding opportunities for TGH Sudan programs.
- With the Country Director, contributes to programs complementarity and synergies by maintaining fluid relationships with international and local organizations, specifically those working in same geographical areas and sectors.
General support to the mission
- Safeguard that conduct and work of the Program Team respects core humanitarian values of humanity, independence, neutrality and impartiality.
- Contributes to the respect of security measures applied by the Country Director.
- Supports the implementation of internal procedures in coordination with the Administration, Finance and the Logistics Coordinators
- Supports internal improvement processes. Contributes to knowledge and information sharing within the INGO team.
- Support and monitor that the conduct of TGH staff respect PSEA guidelines.
This list of responsibilities could be modified according to the needs.
Security, working and living conditions
Based in Khartoum, the Head of Programs will perform regular short-term missions to Darfur bases, and when needed to South Kordofan. Security situation in Darfur and South Kordofan is variable from place to place and period. Field-visits are authorized when security conditions allow it. The movements to the field-bases are ensured by United Nations Humanitarian Air Services- UNHAS.
Current social context in Sudan, especially in Khartoum, can lead to temporary tightened security procedures (movement restrictions, etc.).
Health risks are limited and there is little prevalence of malaria or other diseases in Khartoum. Quality medical services are available in Khartoum.
The mission in Khartoum has a guesthouse of a significant size (3 floors), with separate office ensuring adequate separation of work and living spaces. Communication means are good (efficient internet, international phones).
Khartoum enjoys different places for extra-professional activities: markets, swimming pools, gardens, access to cultural sites out of Khartoum. The social life is rather rich.
There are daily flights to regional and Europe destinations (frequency diminished during COVID-19 crisis, however flights frequency is now returning) and expatriates go out of the country every 3 months for breaks.
- University level degree, preferably in rural development, agricultural development or related topics.
- At least 3 years of humanitarian experience in the field, with at least 1 year in coordination position preferably in the following sectors: Food Security and Livelihoods.
- Experience in managing emergency and early-recovery operations in challenging security environments and understanding of the humanitarian environment (standards, stakeholders and mechanisms).
- Experience in managing emergency and early-recovery operations in challenging security environments and understanding of the humanitarian environment (standards, stakeholders and mechanisms).
- Experience in grants management and knowledge of procedures of main donor agencies: ECHO, European Union, OFDA, DFID, AFD, UN Agencies or others.
- Practice in designing M&E systems, tools, quality data collection, analysis and use of M&E data for program decision making.
- Ability in successful team management and capacity building
- Ability to work and support teams remotely, without diminishing oversight of projects
- Strong interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to work effectively on a team and to lead a team of specialists from a range of fields.
- Autonomy and rigor. Developed skills for work organization and tasks prioritization
- Capacity to represent TGH at high level coordination meetings with different stakeholders.
- Excellent communication and writing skills in English. Preferably competent user of French spoken and written.
- Experience of Arabic or Muslim countries and knowledge or Arabic language a distinct advantage
- Proficient user of MS Office pack.