Turkish Government Scholarship to Study in Turkey (Fully Funded)
Turkey: The Home Of Education
Centuries of knowledge, culture and history at your grasp.
Located between Asia and Europe, Turkey is not only a bridge between but also manifests itself in diverse cultures and experiences. Its cultural richness and diversity, shaped by its deep historical roots, cultures and beliefs stemming from its roots that extend to the Middle East, Anatolia and Balkans.
Throughout the history, Anatolia, where Turkey is located, has been the center of several civilizations since ancient times. Turkey has its own unique social and cultural characteristics such as cuisine, music, arts, literature and architecture.
Modern Turkey was founded in 1923. Since then, Turkey has strong historical and cultural ties with its neighbors and in its region. So far, Turkey has been playing an active role and set an example of democracy, diversity of religious as well as cultural understanding, as a way to building cooperation and bringing peace and development to the region.
Modern Turkey has a robust economy, dynamic civil society and an advanced democracy. Within the last decade, Turkey has achieved remarkable economic growth and substantial progress in political and social fields. Turkey is one of the fastest growing economies the World and now the 6th largest economy in Europe and 16th largest economy in the world.
Furthermore, Turkey seeks a more active role in regional and global developments. As a leading democracy in Middle East and Europe, Turkey represents and promotes universal values, human rights, dialogue, cooperation and partnership in the region, as a fundamental principle of Turkish Foreign Policy of “Peace at Home and Peace in The World.”
International Student Mobility In Turkey
Our country is in great change in the area of higher education with the enhancing numbers of universities, research centers, academicians and with its dimensions of internationalization.
In the last 10 years, the number of international students studying in our higher education institutions has increased by 75% and according to current figures, our country became one of the most international student welcoming countries in the world with approximately 150 thousand international students, 17 thousand of which are scholarship students.
Our country aims to host 200 thousand international students by 2023. While the number of students studying in a country other than their home country was only 800 thousand in 1975, this number reached to 4 and a half million in 2010. It is estimated that this number is reached 7.5 million today and is expected to reach 20 million by 2030.
On the other hand, the number of students enrolled in a higher education program all over the world is also increasing rapidly. While the number of students enrolled in any higher education institution in the world in 2009 is 170 million, it is estimated that this number will be 262 million in 2025.
Education was once seen as a way of cultivating the human resources demands of a country in the line with its own national needs. Nowadays, to the extent of the problems of our world are universal and concerns the whole of humanity, the aim of education becomes to educate generations who can find common solutions to the shared problems.
From this point of view, it can be said that individuals who come from different countries and cultures and have received international education apart from the countries they are from, have a unique experience and obtain different achievements.
As far as countries are concerned, many countries of the world today have made international student mobility a topic of competition and use it as a tool to provide benefits in their economic, cultural, academic and many other areas. Our country regards the works in this area as a very important opportunity, primarily in terms of constituting mutual relations with other countries.
Turkey’s internationalization efforts in higher education is based on the following four principles: Academic development and interaction
Economic development and solidarity
Social and cultural interaction
Development of political and diplomatic relations
A Global Cooperation Vision Through Education
Contributing to international student mobility in the region surrounding Turkey and around the world, Türkiye Scholarships brings together leaders of the future. Turkey believes that education-oriented relations between countries can lead to long-lasting friendships.
It is Turkey’s point of view that an educated young population with different cultural backgrounds provides a significant opportunity for the development of countries and the peaceful resolution of global problems. Türkiye Scholarships program has established its goals in line with these principles of Turkey, which are based on a global mutual understanding, solidarity, and equality of opportunity.
With this global vision, the Türkiye Scholarships program invites international students who are interested in receiving an education in line with the values of our era to attend universities in Turkey holding unique historical and geographical significance.
Education In Turkey
A Glimpse at the system of Higher Education in Turkey
Thanks to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), which has been implemented in Turkish universities since 2001 as part of the Bologna Process, all students can continue their education in other countries and receive diplomas accepted by countries applying to ECTS.
Higher education in Turkey consists of universities with associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs, faculties, institutions, conservatories, and vocational schools. In total, 206 of 129 universities are state universities, and 77 are private and foundation universities. According to data recorded in recent years, the total number of university students in formal education and distance education in Turkey is about 7,5 million.
Admission Requirements For Undergraduate Programs
Applicants who want to study in any undergraduate program should make an application directly to the university. Each university accepts international students based on their requirements that are published on their official websites.
Admission Requirements For Graduate Programs
Graduate programs in Turkey include master’s, PhD, and specialization in medicine programs. which are carried out via institutions.
Documents Required From Applicants
Diploma and course contents of the previously completed degrees, letter of reference, and statement of purpose are required in the application procedures of the graduate programs Students who graduated in Turkey must submit the Graduate Entrance Exam (ALES) result in addition to the given documents, English-medium universities can ask for additional exam results such as TOEFL, GRE, or GMAT which have international validity. Each university and program may have different admission criteria. Therefore, those who want to have graduate education have to apply directly to the institutions of the universities.
Master’s Programs
Two types of master’s degrees master’s with thesis and non-thesis programs are offered for students. Whereas master’s programs with a thesis consist of at least seven courses, one seminar, and a thesis study. non-thesis master programs contain at least ten courses and a semester project. The required period to complete the master’s degree is 2 years.
Doctorate Programs
Doctorate programs have at least seven courses, a proficiency exam, and a thesis. The period to complete the courses is four semesters at most and the period to finish the doctorate program is eight semesters. To be able to apply for doctorate programs, it is an obligation to have a master’s degree. The applicants can apply with their undergraduate diploma to the joint doctorate programs which consist of both master’s and doctorate education.
Specialization in Medicine Programs
Specialization in medicine programs are equivalent to doctorate programs and it is carried out by the faculty of the medicine of universities and by the research hospitals which are subject to the ministry of Health. The students, who want to have an education in medicine and dentistry, must succeed in DUS or TUS exams.
Academic Calendar
Universities in Turkey run on a two-semester system, known as fall and spring semesters. Some universities additionally have summer school programs.
Academic Examination Process
Academic performances at universities are determined by success and attendance. Universities test students’ academic success with different examinations such as two midterm and one final or one midterm and one final. Some universities implement different different systems such as make-up exams or summer schools. In addition to exams, various homework and reports are efficient in taking grades. Passmarks in the universities are usually 60/100 (2.00/4.00) (These grades may differ among universities).
Language of Instruction
The applicants must prove their efficiency in the universities’ course language which is usually in Turkish (Also in English, French, and German). The students, who are accepted to university but are not able to get efficiency in the required language, are given language courses for a year. Also, Turkish lessons are given to international students.
About Türkiye Scholarships
Türkiye Scholarships is a government-funded higher education scholarship program run by the Republic of Türkiye for international students. The primary purpose of Türkiye Scholarships is to provide equal opportunities to successful students around the world for them to receive scholarship education at international standards. It is also aimed to develop cooperation between Turkey and other countries and to contribute to regional and global development in many fields from academia to art, from economy to literature, technology to architecture.
Türkiye Scholarships is a government-funded higher education scholarship program run by the Republic of Türkiye for international students.
To Date…
For many years, Türkiye has been providing scholarship opportunities to international students and researchers from all over the world. Higher education scholarship programs provided by Turkey were branded as “Türkiye Scholarships” in 2012 and studies were started to be carried out under the coordination of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities(YTB). Türkiye Scholarships are carried out in cooperation with all relevant institutions such as YÖK, Yurt – Kur, General Directorate of Migration Management, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The World’s Most Comprehensive Scholarship Program
Türkiye Scholarships is considered to be the most comprehensive scholarship program in the world with the possibility of university and department placement, monthly scholarships, university tuition, health insurance, housing, Turkish language course, plane tickets and free academic and cultural programs.Türkiye Scholarships provide international students with the opportunity to study and receive scholarships at the most prestigious universities in Türkiye.
Apply now: King Fahd University Scholarship For Master’s And Doctoral Studies In Saudi Arabia (Fully Funded)
Türkiye Scholarships provide international students with the opportunity to study and receive scholarships at the most prestigious universities in Türkiye.
Why Türkiye Scholarships?
A Comprehensive and Unique Scholarship Program
Türkiye Scholarships considers everything that international students will need during their academic studies while discovering Turkey and acquiring new skills.
* Provides university and department placements unlike other higher education scholarship programs.
* Covers tuition fees.
* Allows you to learn the language of the country study with 1-year Turkish language course. Thus, resources are diversified in your academic research and daily life becomes more pleasurable.
* Provides accommodation for students arriving in a new country.
* Supports you on your journey to Turkey and when you return to your country at the end of your education period and covers your once-off flight ticket.
* Allows you to take full advantage of widespread health services when necessary with health insurance.
* Also provides monthly stipend. 3.500 TL at undergraduate level, 5.000 TL at Master’s level and 6.500 TL at PhD level per month.
What Makes Türkiye Scholarships Unique?
What makes Türkiye Scholarships unique is that it’s not only inclusive of financial support but also provides university placement to its awardees at all levels of higher education.
The scholarship program offers programs at the 50 top and most prestigious universities in Turkey, and provides a compulsory one-year Turkish Language Course which ensures that all students acclimatize and adapt to the social and cultural environment they live in.
Türkiye Scholarships also provides assistance in all the necessary services and procedures for an international student to feel at home in Turkey. These include, providing a dormitory, health insurance, student bank account, and a student residence permit, as well as a one-year language course.
Apart from the basic services and assistance mentioned above, Türkiye Scholarships also offers social, cultural and academic guidance in the form of congresses, programs, seminars, international student academies, culture day gatherings, sports and arts related programs as well as training, internship opportunities, and career orientation programs.
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After Graduation
Being an Alumni of Turkey – a huge global network of more than 150.000 graduates of Turkey
Although we say goodbye to international students who leave Turkey after their graduation ceremony every year, Türkiye Scholarships program does not really bid farewell to them. Taking pride in having contributed to the accomplishments achieved by international students throughout their lives, Türkiye Scholarships program keeps in touch with students after graduation.
For this purpose, an Internet-based portal has been established that serves as a meeting platform, and Türkiye Scholarships program always looks forward to receiving news from its alumni. Many Alumni Associations have been established voluntarily by graduates from various countries, facilitating the communication of Turkey graduates both with Turkey and with each other in an institutionalized manner. Through Alumni Associations in many countries across the world, graduates of the program both pursue their academic and social relations, and inform other young people in their countries of education opportunities offered by Turkey.
Today, Turkey Alumni Network comprises of a constantly growing network of more 150,000 members, all of whom received education in Turkey, dating back to the 1950s, and who are employed in respected professions in 160 countries around the world. Turkey Alumni Network has made a name for itself due to the contributions of its members to strengthening friendly relations between Turkey and their respective countries.
What the Scholarship Covers
In this video, you can get detailed information about Flight Ticket, Insurance, Dormitory, Visa, Residence, Fees payments and procedures.
Monthly Stipend
A Monthly Stipend of 3.500 TL at undergraduate level, 5.000 TL at master’s level, and 6.500 TL at doctorate level is deposited regularly each month into the bank account you will open upon your arrival in Türkiye. Academically qualified students will be rewarded with monthly stipend 2 times higher than the regular payment as part of Merit Scholarship Program.
Students who are awarded scholarships at the undergraduate level can stay in dormitories for the duration of their studies. Dormitory fees are covered by Türkiye Scholarships. Thus, there is no need for our students to worry about their accomodation needs during their period of study.
Students at the master’s and doctoral levels are given the right to stay in a dormitory for the first year of their studies. It is possible for our graduate students to rent accomodation by receiving 2000 TL in housing allowance for the following years.
Our students are granted the right to stay in KYK Dormitories or private dormitories affiliated to the General Directorate of Credit and Dormitories. For students seeking private accommodation, there are several options avaliable, such as renting individual rooms, or renting entire properties through real estate agents or directly from landlords.
University and Department Placement
Türkiye Scholarships offer international students higher education and a new life experience at the most prestigious Turkish universities, allowing students to gain new perspectives and have a unique educational experience throughout their studies in Turkey. Candidates are given the opportunity to select 12 choices in online applications through the Türkiye Scholarships Application System (TBBS).
Türkiye Alumni Network
The Türkiye Alumni Network is a network of more than 150,000 members, which is constantly growing as more students graduate, each of whom received education in Turkey and are now working in prestigious professions in 160 countries throughout the world.
Türkiye Scholarships, which is proud to contribute to the achievements of international students throughout their lives, continues to communicate with students after graduation. In order to always be by our students’ side and ensure success in their career journeys, we continue to support our students with Türkish Alumni Associations in their own countries.
Through Alumni Associations established voluntarily by our graduates in many countries of the world, our graduates can maintain both academic and social relations for many years. The internet-based communication portal (LINK), which was implemented to facilitate the coordination of alumni associations and our Türkiye Alumni, allows our graduates who are far from each other to establish a digital network.
The annual International Students Graduation Ceremony offers an unforgettable experience for many years with its colorful and rich content that our students can attend with their families. You can become a partner in their world by watching the film (LINK) of our 2021 graduates.
Health Insurance
We care about the health of our students. Türkiye Scholarships also cover the health insurance of all our international students so that they can benefit from widespread health services in emergencies or other situations.
Social and Cultural Activities
Students studying with Türkiye Scholarships have the opportunity to improve themselves in every sense, both through student clubs and societies at world-class universities, and through the International Student Academy (LINK), specialization programs, student congresses and art competitions organized by Türkiye Scholarships.
One Time Flight Ticket
We care about covering the travel expenses of our students when they come to Turkey for the first time and when they graduate and return to their own countries. Thus as Türkiye Scholarships, we provide one time only fight tickets. You can create your ticket request via TBBS before you come to Turkey, after your commitment is completed and before you return to your country upon your graduation.
Turkish Language Course (1 Year)
As Türkiye Scholarships, we believe in the power of language learning with the perspective of ‘One language, one person’. We offer 1 year of free Turkish language education to all our students. You will learn Turkish with expert instructors in Turkish Teaching Centers (TÖMER) within universities and you will gain a brand new perspective on life. You will feel more comfortable in every sense in Turkey, from daily life to access to academic publications, and you will gain a unique foreign experience.
University Fees
While studying at the most prestigious universities at world standards, your university tuition is covered by Türkiye Scholarships.
Scholarship Programs
Türkiye Scholarships has designed different and specific scholarship programs for each education level. It offers many qualified scholarship opportunities ranging from long-term bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral scholarships to research and merit based scholarships, art scholarships to joint scholarship programs conducted with international reputable institutions.
Application Conditions
Basic Application Criteria
Minimum Academic Achievement Criteria:
- Minimum academic achievement for undergraduate candidates: 70%
- Minimum academic achievement for Master and Doctorate candidates: 75%
- Minimum academic achievement for candidates of Health Sciences (Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy): 90%
Age Criteria
- For undergraduate programs: being under the age of 21
- For Post Graduate programs: being under the age of 30
- For doctoral programs: being under the age of 35
- For Research Scholarship: being under the age of 45
Eligible Groups:
- Citizens of all countries
- Graduates or those who will graduate at the end of the current academic year (before August 2025)
- Researchers and academics
Ineligible Groups:
- Turkish citizens and individuals who have lost Turkish citizenship
- Individuals who are currently enrolled in programs in Turkish universities at the level of education will apply.
Specializations available in the Turkish Scholarship
- Religion basics
- Economy
- Economy
- Statistics
- Radio, Television and Film
- Media and Visual Arts
- Molecular biology and genetics
- Date
- International Trade
- International Trade and Business
- International Trade and Finance
- Urban design and landscape architecture
- psychological Guidance and counseling
- Artificial intelligence and data science
- Maths
- the pharmacy
- Medicine
- International Relations
- Political Science and Public Administration
- Political Science and International Relations
- Banking and Finance
- architecture
- Physics
- chemistry
- Maritime Transport and Management Engineering
- environmental engineering
- geoengineering
- the industrial engineering
- Biomedical engineering
- electrical engineering
- Electrical and electronic engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- civil engineering
- architecture
- Mechanical engineering
- Business Management
- Maritime Business Administration
- Tourism management
- Tourism and Hotel Management
- Religion basics
- City planning
- Film design and management
- dentist
- veterinary doctor
- Sociology
- Economics
- biology
- Molecular biology and genetics
- Archeology and Art History
- Metallurgy and materials engineering
- psychology
- philosophy
- Management information systems
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- food engineering
- Software Engineering
- control engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- map engineering
- artificial intelligence engineering
- Aviation Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- food engineering
- computer engineering
- Textile Engineering
- mechatronic engineering
- Oil and Gas Engineering
- Maritime Transport Engineering and Management
- Energy Systems Engineering
- New media
- New media and communication
- Media and Visual Arts
Bachelor’s Degrees for the Turkish Scholarship in Turkish
- Biology
- economics
- The agricultural economy
- slandered economy
- Economics and Finance
- Islamic economics and finance
- Statistics
- Statistics and computer science
- Public Administration
- Radio, Television and Film
- Advertising
- Ads
- gardening
- gardening
- Molecular biology and genetics
- Date
- Insurance and Social Security
- International Trade and Business
- International Trade and Finance
- International Trade and Logistics
- International Trade and Logistics
- world Trade
- teaching
- Teaching in the classroom
- Teaching in preschool
- Physical education
- Nutrition and Diet
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- agricultural biotechnology
- Nursing
- psychological Guidance and counseling
- obstetrics
- Social Service
- Islamic Studies (Arabic)
- Medicine
- Maths
- Film and Television
- the press
- the pharmacy
- Medicine
- international medicine
- Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
- International Relations
- Public Relations and Advertising
- Public Relations and Advertising
- Islamic sciences
- Islamic Sciences (Arabic)
- Political Science
- Political Science and Public Administration
- Political Science and International Relations
- Naval architecture and marine engineering
- interior architecture
- Philosophy
- Physics
- the law
- chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Turkish language and literature
- Contemporary Turkish dialects and literature
- field crops
- Physical therapy
- environmental engineering
- geoengineering
- the industrial engineering
- Biomedical engineering
- food engineering
- electrical engineering
- Electrical and electronic engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- civil engineering
- architecture
- Naval architecture
- Mechanical engineering
- Agricultural structures and irrigation
- media and communications
- Maritime Business Administration
- health care management
- Tourism management
- Emergency and disaster management
- Logistics Management
- Information and records management
- Business Administration
- Religion basics
- Origins of Religion (Arabic)
- Shipbuilding and ocean engineering
- History of science
- City planning
- Training of special education teachers
- Science teacher training
- Biology teaching
- Teaching Physics
- Teaching chemistry
- Turkish language teaching
- Visual Communication Design
- Shoe design and production
- Fashion design
- jewelry design
- Communication design and management
- Real estate development and management
- Computer education and educational technology
- math education
- Elementary Mathematics Education
- Computer education and educational technology
- Dairy Technology
- Mathematics
- medicine
- dentist
- Veterinary medicine
- veterinary doctor
- International relations
- Sociology
- biology
- Molecular biology and genetics
- archeology
- zoology
- museology
- Metallurgy and materials engineering
- psychology
- Soil science and plant nutrition
- Materials sciences and nanoengineering
- Marine Engineering Operations
- philosophy
- gastronomy
- chemistry
- Finance and Banking
- Management information systems
- Child growth
- aquaculture engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- meteorological engineering
- meteorological engineering
- Agricultural machinery engineering and technology
- Software Engineering
- control engineering
- Mining Engineering
- leather engineering
- Computer Engineering
- map engineering
- car engineering
- forest engineering
- food engineering
- Physics engineering
- computer engineering
- Metals and materials engineering
- landscape architecture
- Textile Engineering
- mechatronic engineering
- Maritime Transport Engineering and Management
- environmental engineering
- Industrial engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Architectural Engineering
- Energy Systems Engineering
- Information Systems Engineering
- Agricultural machinery engineering and technology
- New media and communication
Turkish scholarship majors for masters in English
- Banking and Finance
- International Finance
- Organization and Management
- Asian Studies
- International Ottoman Studies
- International Relations
- Migration Studies
- Turkey Studies
- Communications and Electronics Engineering
- Computer Engineering
How To Apply
5 Steps to Applying

For applications made online through the Türkiye Scholarships Application System (TBBS), all candidates must upload the following documents to the system:
- A valid identity document, ID card or passport
- A photograph of the candidate taken within the last 1 year
- National exam results (if any)
- Diploma OR temporary graduation certificate
- Transcript
- International exam results (GRE, GMAT, SAT, etc.) if requested by the chosen university or program.
- International language test results such as TOEFL, DELF, if requested by the chosen university or program
- A proposal for a research topic and a written example of the research you have carried out (only for doctoral applications)
See this: Najran University Undergraduate Scholarship In Saudi Arabia (Fully Funded)
Many programs in Turkish universities are taught in the Turkish language. However, some departments and universities may offer programs in English and other languages. Candidates who wish to study in such programs must be able to provide an internationally accepted language proficiency certificate. (TOEFL and other equivalent certifications). A majority of these programs require international admission test results (GRE, GMAT, SAT, etc.). Candidates can check the language of instruction when choosing programs in the application system.
Undergraduate candidates who have international qualifications such as SAT or GCSE instead of national exam scores will be required to provide the minimum qualifications required to have completed secondary education according to these international exams.
All Turkish language students who do not have a C1 level Turkish language certificate for Turkish proficiency (including candidates placed in programs where the medium of instruction is English or other languages) must attend a one-year Turkish Preparatory Course and have achieved the C1 level at the end of the academic year.